In collaboration with:
Facing new regulatory requirements and a growing demand for transparency, organisations of all sizes and sectors are strengthening their processes for measuring and valuing their extra-financial performance (ESG).
Global Reporting Initiative courses are designed to develop the skills, expertise and know-how of sustainability practitioners and professionals. This training provides you with the levers to strengthen your compliance and enhance your non-financial performance.
This certification is organised in collaboration with Forethix, as a training partner of the Global Reporting Initiative since 2013.
This programme provides participants with a learning path dedicated to non-financial value assessment according to the Global Reporting Initiative standards:
Introduction to sustainability reporting, the GRI standards 2021 and their correspondence with other major normative requirements (SDG, UNGC, ISO 26000, AA1000, Integrated Reporting, CDP, etc.)
Stakeholder inclusion and consultation
Impact and relevance analysis
Human rights reporting
Integrating the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) into sustainable development reporting
Concepts and principles illustrated by case studies and practical applications
The certification programme is divided into 8 modules:
Module 1: Introduction to sustainability reporting and GRI standards 2021
Discovery of the foundations and concepts of sustainable development and introduction to the GRI standards to discover the correlations with other important standards: SDG, UN Global Compact (UNGC), ISO26000, AA1000AP, CDP, Integrated Report, European CSRD regulation or other standards.
Module 2: Reporting Process in line with GRI standards 2021
Providing the essential tools for writing a sustainability report, in order to capture the contextual information of an organisation and its sustainability reporting practices.
Module 3: Material topics and materiality analysis
Identification of material topics and their scope in order to prioritise the content to be included in the report according to sectoral requirements.
Module 4: Deepening of the reporting process in line with the GRI standards 2021
Exploring the specifics of the methodology for a GRI 2021 compliant report and tips for efficient communication of information to stakeholders.
Module 5: Practical exercise
Analysis of a sustainability report, in accordance with the requirements of the GRI standards, to put the acquired theory into practice. This module builds on the knowledge gained through the recommendations and comments of the expert trainer and feedback from other participants.
Module 6: Human rights reporting in accordance with the GRI standards 2021
Raising awareness of human rights, due diligence and the importance of transparency for companies. In-depth analysis of the impact identification process regarding material topics.
Module 7: Integration of the SDG into sustainability reporting
Explanation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and their integration into sustainability reporting practices followed by recommendations for maximising contributions to them, according to the GRI standards 2021.
Module 8: Preparation for the certification exam to become a GRI certified professional
Review of the new knowledge and verification of the understanding of key concepts in order to pass the GRI exam and become a certified “GRI Sustainability Professional”.
An official and internationally recognised programme: this course is certified and accredited according to the Global Reporting Initiative standards 2021, which are recognised worldwide in the field of non-financial reporting. Our trainers are all certified Global Reporting Initiative consultants, with field expertise and in-depth knowledge of the standards.
A pragmatic teaching approach: participants take ownership of the subject through this programme, which combines theory and methodology, case studies and best practices, as well as question and answer sessions with our professionals.
Target audience
Professionals wishing to understand, master and deepen the principles, methods and practices of non financial performance management.
Course Material
The training material will be handed out at the beginning of the course.
At the end of the training, a certificate of attendance will be available either on your client account or on demand to the customer service.
Optional: pass the GRI exam and become a certified “GRI Sustainability Professional”.
Once the training has been completed (attendance to the 8 modules), participants will be registered to the GRI platform. Cost of the exam is 350€, and each participant has to register individually, it is not performed by House of Training. Further details on the exam, registration procedure and its organisation will be provided during the training.
L-1615 Luxembourg