Nos formations e-learning pour le secteur bancaire
Fondamentaux du secteur bancaire :
Réglementations :
Lutte contre le blanchiment d'argent (AML) et KYC pour banques - 2 h
Anti Money Laundering (AML) and KYC in Banking - 2 h
Lutte contre le blanchiment d'argent (AML) - Extorsion et corruption - 1 h
Anti Money Laundering (AML) - Bribery and Corruption - 1 h
AML for Accountants, Auditors and Tax Advisors - 1 h
AML in Private Banking and Wealth Management - 1 h
AML Practical Examples (Life Assurance) - 1 h
AML for Luxembourg Investment Funds - 2 h
AML for Luxembourg Private Bankers - 2 h
Counter Terrorism Financing (CTF) - Financial Intelligence - 1 h
Circular 17/650 - Tax Crimes as Predicate Offences - 0.6 h
Financial Intelligence (Terrorist Financing) - 1 h
Financial Crime Series - All 4 Courses - 22 h
Financial Crime Series - AML, Terrorist financing and Tax Evasion - 7.5 h
Financial Crime Series - Bribery & Corruption - 5.5 h
Financial Crime Series - Sanctions - 5.5 h
Financial Crime Series - Governance - 3 h
Understanding Source of Funds / Source of Wealth
EU Market Abuse - Luxembourg Version - 1.5 h
Règlement général sur la protection des données (RGPD) pour banques - 1 h