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Cycle in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Organisation & Transformation de l’Entreprise

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INDR, in collaboration with the House of Training, offers a complete CSR training cycle once a year in English. The cycle starts with the CSR & ESR Assessment module, an introduction to CSR and sustainability and the ESR Guide, which prepares the participant to assess the CSR maturity of their company online.

The training cycle continues with four specific modules, dedicated to CSR strategy, as well as to governance, social and environmental aspects. These sessions are illustrated by concrete examples and practices of companies from all sectors.

As an option, participants who have completed all the modules of the training course can validate their knowledge through a certification exam. It is not necessary to have followed the modules in the schedule order to take the exam.


At the end of these sessions, participants will understand the themes and issues of CSR, will have identified concrete areas for improvement to be integrated into their company and will be able to begin the implementation of the INDR's national ESR - Entreprise Socialement Responsable label in the best conditions.

Depending on your needs, you can follow the complete cycle, participate in individual modules, or benefit from a tailor-made in house of training.

Module 1 - CSR & ESR Assessment module, an introduction to CSR and sustainability and the ESR Guide 

At the end of this training, the participant will be able to:

  • Decode the challenges of sustainable development

  • Explain the main concepts and benefits of CSR

  • Understand the strategic importance of CSR for companies

  • Understand the CSR themes described in the 4 chapters (strategy, governance, social, environment) of the ESR Guide

  • Understand how the online assessment and ESR labelling process works

  • Measure the level of responsibility of your company through the maturity levels of the ESR Guide

  • Benefit from the full range of services offered by the INDR's national ESR Label programme


  • CSR in Luxembourg
  • Introduction to sustainable development
  • Definitions of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
  • Benefits of CSR
  • Assessment and maturity levels in CSR
  • Advantages of the ESR label
  • Explanation of the ESR labelling process
Module 2 - CSR and Strategy - Identifying and mapping corporate responsibility

At the end of this training, the participant will be able to :

  • Understand the challenges and benefits of a documented CSR strategy

  • Identify stakeholders' interests and society's expectations

  • Identify the key issues (materiality)

  • Develop a CSR strategy in their company to structure the CSR approach

  • Implement the CSR strategy


  • Identifying the company's activities and their impacts
  • Recognizing stakeholders (society's expectations and stakeholders' interests)
  • Determining the company's responsibility
  • Developing an integrated CSR strategy
  • Implementing the CSR strategy
  • Creating shared value
Module 3 - CSR and Governance - Ensuring good corporate governance


At the end of this training, the participant will be able to:  

  • Align the company's practices, goals and commitment with the company's expectations
  • Question the internal organisation of the company to ensure transparent and responsible management
  • Identify good corporate governance practices
  • Dialogue and cooperate with its stakeholders


  • Ensuring economic sustainability, legal compliance, responsible behaviour and commitment to society
  • Developing a business strategy
  • Improving decision-making
  • Improving the structure
  • Communicating
  • Managing internal and external stakeholders
  • Cooperating with stakeholders
Module 4 - CSR and Social - Acting on the company's human capital 


At the end of this training, the participant will be able to: 

  • Position the HR function as a leader in CSR policy
  • Rethink the role of employees as key stakeholders and as a lever for the company's economic performance
  • Identify the transversal themes of the social pillar
  • Apply CSR throughout the employee life cycle
  • Identify good HR practices in the field of CSR


  • Human rights
  • Health and safety at work
  • Well-being
  • Diversity and equal opportunities
  • Responsible HR strategy
  • Recruitment
  • Employee integration
  • Responsible remuneration
  • Career development and mobility
  • Employability
Module 5 - CSR and Environment - Developing an effective environmental policy


At the end of this training, the participant will be able to:   

  • Understand its environmental impacts

  • Limit its negative external effects

  • Define an environmental policy

  • Optimise processes (input-transformation-output)

  • Identify good environmental practices


  • Sustainable construction

  • Responsible facilities, equipment, supplies and services

  • Natural resources

  • Transport

  • Circular economy

  • Waste, recycling and secondary products

  • Pollution and nuisance

Exam of the certified course « Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) - certified course »

This recognition of prior of learning is offered to people who have completed the 5 modules of the CSR training course developed in collaboration with INDR and the House of Training, "Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)- certified course":

  • Module 1 - CSR & ESR Assessment - Introduction to CSR and the ESR Guide 

  • Module 2 - CSR & Strategy - Developing a CSR strategy

  • Module 3 - CSR & Governance - Ensuring good corporate governance

  • Module 4 - CSR and Social - Acting on the company's human capital

  • Module 5 - CSR and Environment - Developing a sustainable environmental policy

Successful completion of the exam validates the knowledge acquired in CSR. It is divided into two parts:

  1. An online test in a multiple choice form of about 40 questions on the CSR topics covered during the training sessions starting from 

    30.04.2024 ( to be done within 7 days)

  2. An oral presentation of a case study, based on the participant's own company or on a fictitious company. The participant will summarize the implementation of the CSR strategy, the impacts of his/her company and the material solutions for improvement, using the information learned during the various modules. 

    13 & 1 .05.2024

The examination and the certificate are personal and individual.

Target audience

Managers, HRDs, sustainable development and CSR managers, quality managers, ESR coordinators, designated workers and any employee of a company involved or wishing to become involved in the ESR labelling process.


The National Institute for Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility (INDR)

INDR is a key player in CSR in Luxembourg, promoting CSR and offering comprehensive support to companies. As a Competence Centre, it assumes a normative role, disseminates knowledge on CSR and collaborates with the main players in sustainable development.

For companies, the INDR offers the ESR national programme (ENTREPRISE RESPONSABLE).

Discover the ESR Guide ESR online

The contents of the ESR Guide are available free of charge online. Based on ISO 26000 and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, the ESR Guide lists the main sustainable development issues in Luxembourg through 40 goals and a hundred or so CSR theme sheets. Complementary to the printed version, the online guide is an easy-to-use evaluation form that helps you measure your level of responsibility.

Evaluate your company on 


Course Material

The training material will be handed out at the beginning of the course.


Participants who have completed the entire training course (Introduction to CSR and the ESR Guide ; CSR and Strategy - Developing a CSR strategy; CSR and Governance - Ensuring good corporate governance; CSR and Social - Acting on the human capital of the company; CSR and Environment - Developing a sustainable environmental policy) will be able to validate their acquired skills with a certificate of achievement issued by the House of Training, the Ministry of the Economy and the INDR.

The examination consists in a multiple choice questionnaire and an oral presentation based on a practical case.

It is not necessary to have taken the modules in the right order in order to take the exam.

Chambre de Commerce Luxembourg
7, rue Alcide de Gasperi
L-1615 Luxembourg
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